

Specialized fields

Environmental Civil Engineering Course

In the environmental field, students learn basic knowledge to resolve environmental difficulties and learn about environmental conservation technologies, including those to treat water pollution and other phenomena and those for purifying city and water environments, and a bionic/chemical microscopic perspective to a global-scale environmental macroscopic perspective on soil contamination. In the civil engineering field, students comprehensively learn a series of processes from fundamental investigation to planning, design, estimation, and construction for structures such as dams, bridges, tunnels, and roads and knowledge necessary for building better structures based on feedback on construction results. Students also learn about the mechanisms of natural disaster occurrence, countermeasure methods, and maintenance methods.

Architecture Course

Architects, who take the lead in constructing buildings, houses, and other structures that constitute architecture and cities, are responsible for creating safe, high-functioning, and high-efficiency structures while drawing on all their expertise in design, facilities, and materials. Attractive spatial design is also necessary. We improve the specialty for which each student aims by developing a multifaceted curriculum that can serve various architectural needs.